ROAY SRL offers

ROAY SRL is a wholesale company for industrial components. Who we are: ROAY S.r.l. is an Italian wholesale and retail company of industrial components founded in 2016 in Turin – Italy. The main activity of the company is supply of industrial plants, machinery and spare parts. The main sectors are steel and metallurgy, mining and oil and gas. In addition to these activities, our company is able to provide services in the field of knowledge and technology transfer, equipment modernization and updating.

Sectors of activity

The main activity of the company is supply of industrial plants, machinery and spare parts. The main sectors are steel and metallurgy, mining and oil and gas. Dealing with components of the following sectors:
Hydraulics, Pneumatics, electronics, industrial automation and component distribution.


We make the difference;
We are always present and active for our Customers until the end of the assigned work process. we would find the compactable alternative, we will draw up new technical drawings for a new production, we will execute the “migration” of the old systems, we will follow the repair of the components that are no longer working
We offer solutions in optimal time. At the end, following the customer’s objective is our interest and we try to give the best service in shortest possible time with honest price. Our success is based on the trouble-free production process of our customers.

Shipping Services

We have the ability to deliver our customers orders with various terms in the shortest possible time.

Find us at the office

Corso Orbassano 402 int. 14 bis

10137 Turin (TO) Italy

Give us a ring


Tell/Fax.+39 011 3148053

Cell.+39 320 1470200

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